Happy new year!
As a little housekeeping for 2025, we want to remind our clients and our contacts that AYM High has a dedicated phone number to call and text: 716-289-0082. Please update your contacts and use this and our soar@aymhigh.com email account as your primary means of contact with the AYM High coaches.
As AYM High continues to grow and our travel schedules become increasingly full, we recognize the need to be consistently accessible to all of our clients. As a result, Yusuf transitioned to be full-time with AYM High last year in order to ensure we respond to each of you as promptly and professionally as possible during business hours.
Yusuf has also now taken over as the Primary Managing Partner of AYM High and is glad to handle all scheduling, coordinating, questions, and inquiries as to our availability to present and teach at industry events and conferences, which we always enjoy attending.
If you have received any coaches' private cell phone numbers and/or email addresses, we respectfully ask that those be used for emergencies or very specific situations only; our dedicated AYM High phone and dedicated AYM High email are the best way to always reach a member of our team directly.
Thank you! Let's soar!