A coach is someone who tells you what you don’t want to hear, who has you see what you don’t want to see, so you can be who you always knew you could be. - Tom Landry
One of my mentors taught me a valuable lesson some time ago: As a leader, your team will follow what you do much more than what you say. So, in order to inspire them to do good, you have to first do that good yourself.
How can one lead with empathy and collaboration? It seems so difficult and daunting; however, it’s truly possible. It takes sacrifice, patience and true vision, forsaking the short-term losses in exchange for long-term wins, which seems so much like parenting. That’s why Seema and I have been able to properly transition from our household to our Island Ship Center family without much change in demeanor or behavior. We’ve shown our vulnerabilities to our kids and our store family, resulting in deeper and more meaningful relationships, complete with respect and personal development.
So I urge you to be authentic, whether in your stores or in your lives, and don’t be afraid to show who you are, apologize for your mistakes when you make them and accept compliments when they are given. When we work on ourselves more than we work on our business every day, we truly reach a level of greatness that even we didn’t think was possible.
Thank you for continued trust in AYM High Consultants. Get ready to soar in 2024!
With gratitude, resilience, optimism, and collaboration, on behalf of the entire AYM High team,
Fahim Mojawalla, Lead Partner, AYM Consultants (#FahimFix)