Ship With E’s
Florence, South Carolina
Marty visited Erin and her aunties, who insisted that Marty too call them aunties (which he, of course, was overjoyed to oblige) in September of 2024 and spent two wonderful days with them to learn and grow together. On the second day, Steve joined Marty to surprise Erin, as he had been working with her remotely before the visit and had been one of her points of contact with AYM High; even though Steve wasn’t contracted as part of Erin’s package, that extra visit really made an impression and an impact on her trajectory. Follow-up continued after the visit with monthly coaching with the AYM High team.
To analyze a location in downtown historic Florence, South Carolina, and work with Erin and her two helping-out aunties to learn about the mailbox, print, and shipping business, prepare the empty space for a buildout, design store flow, train on POS, processes, and concepts, and soon open up a unique, high-end, and outstanding business center.
Ship With E’s had a successful grand opening and is growing steadily, bringing new services, life, and vibrancy to the beautiful South Carolina community in which it is quickly becoming a fixture.